


A group of students sits at  table talking. Some are working on computers.

你是否在寻找一种变革性的学习经历? 你想培养批判性思维能力和探索新学科吗? 你有兴趣加入你的社区吗? Then Honors @ AACC might be right for you!

我们正在寻找具有高度兴趣、主动性和能力的学生. 如果你是一个学分不足20学分的学生, 荣誉@ AACC可以帮助你实现学术严谨. No matter your major, 您可以灵活地参加我们的项目,并因您的成就而获得认可.

As an Honors @ AACC participant, you can:

  • 在项目和活动上与教师和其他荣誉@ AACC学生密切合作
  • Present research and other projects
  • Graduate with an honors distinction
  • 在申请转学机构时获得竞争优势
  • 参加荣誉@ AACC的活动和事件
  • 申请AACC毕业后的荣誉奖学金

What Our Students Say


“这个项目将为学生提供与其他荣誉学生交流的机会, engage with their professors, and attend events on and around campus, 甚至几乎. 你可以作为兼职、全日制、在校或在线学生享受这些福利. When you think of the Honors program at AACC, think about making a difference, 你是否在荣誉课程中有所作为, 或者荣誉项目会对你产生影响. 最终,会有一个更好的区别.”


How Can You Participate?

Once admitted, you will:

  • Take 12 credits of honors coursework.
  • 在AACC完成20个服务小时.
  • 每学期至少参加一次荣誉活动.

If you can achieve this while maintaining a 3.如果你每学期平均绩点达到4分,你就已经成功完成了课程.  

应用ing to Honors @ AACC

有兴趣提高你的学术旅程的严谨性? 应用 to Honors @ AACC! Due to the parameters of the program, the earlier in your AACC tenure you apply, 就越容易满足项目要求.

以下材料将在 应用程序 并在做出录取决定之前由荣誉咨询委员会审核:

  • 学术潜力的证据:虽然没有最低GPA加入计划, 荣誉顾问委员会正在寻找一个强有力的成绩单作为潜在的指标.
  • 短文:解释你为什么想成为AACC荣誉学院的一员.
  • 学术范例:展示你在一个学术领域的能力.
  • Letters of Recommendation (至少两封):来自熟悉你学术能力的人.  如果你有一段时间没有上学,请联系荣誉协调员(honors@hebhgkq.com) to discuss other options.


Taking an Honors Course

所有的荣誉课程都是通过荣誉合同来完成的. 你不能参加一门课程的荣誉课程. 相反,你要注册一个符合荣誉标准的课程. 然后你和你的教授签订荣誉合同. 这份合同概述了你在学习课程期间要完成的荣誉工作(比如一个额外的项目). 

The following courses are honors-eligible, 这意味着你可以和你的教授签订一份合同,将这门课程作为荣誉课程。

  • ACH-104室内设计材料与方法
  • ACH-105 Textiles and Textile Applications
  • ACH-106 Residential 设计 Studio
  • ACH-117景观建筑:植物鉴定
  • ACH-203 Commercial 设计 Studio
  • ACH-204 Interior Construction Detailing
  • ACH-211建筑工作室1:形式,空间和秩序
  • ACH-212 Architectural 设计 4
  • ACH-242 Environmental Systems for 设计
  • ACH-262 Architectural Travel Study 1
  • ACH-263 Architectural Travel Study 2
  • ACH-265 Digital Studio
  • AFA-225非裔美国文学(也叫ENG-225H)
  • 生物人类学导论
  • ANT-121 Cultural Anthropology
  • ANT-123 Introduction to Archaeology
  • ART-125绘图
  • ART-145陶瓷
  • ART-146陶瓷
  • ART-245陶瓷
  • 生物学基础:生态学和进化
  • BIO-215 Restoration Ecology
  • BIO-223 General Microbiology
  • BPA-111 Introduction to Business
  • BPA-113 Personal Finance
  • BPA-142 Principles of Management
  • BPA-145 Leadership
  • BPA-201 Financial Accounting
  • BPA-202 Managerial Accounting
  • CHE-111 General Chemistry 1
  • CHE-112 General Chemistry 2
  • CHE-213 Organic Chemistry 1
  • CHE-214 Organic Chemistry 2
  • CJS-111 Introduction to Criminal Justice
  • CJS-206 Cybercrime
  • CJS-225 Criminal Justice Ethics
  • CJS-275 Criminal Justice Internship
  • 人际交往概论
  • COM-200 Intercultural Communication
  • COM-230 Persuasive Message Strategies
  • CTA-100 Computing and Information Technology
  • CTP-103数字技术理论与应用
  • 面向对象程序分析入门 & 设计
  • CTP-150 Computer Science 1
  • CTP-194 Ethics and The Information Age
  • ECO-211 Principles of Economics 1
  • ECO-212 Principles of Economics 2
  • 阅读与语言艺术基础
  • 英语-101学术写作与研究
  • 英语-102学术写作与研究
  • ENG-211 World Literature 1
  • ENG-212 World Literature 2
  • ENG-213 British Literature 1
  • ENG-214 British Literature 2
  • 早期美国文学:殖民时期到1865年
  • ENG-216 American Literature, 1865 – 1945
  • 当代美国文学:1945年至今
  • ENG-220 The Bible as Literature
  • ENG-221 Introduction to Shakespeare
  • ENG-222 The American 11月el
  • ENG-223 The British 11月el
  • ENG-224 Modern American Poetry
  • ENG-225 African American Literature
  • ENG-226 Ethnic American Literature
  • ENG-227 Literary Nonfiction
  • ENG-228 Literature in English by Women
  • ENG-235 Modern Drama
  • ENG-250 Literature of the Chesapeake Bay
  • FRE-111 Elementary French 1
  • FRE-112 Elementary French 2
  • FRE-211 Intermediate French 1
  • FRE-212 Intermediate French 2
  • GEO-103 Cultural Geography
  • GSS-216 Human Sexuality
  • GSS-228 Literature in English by Women
  • HIS-211 历史 of the United States 1
  • HLS-111 Introduction to 首页land Security
  • HON-280 Special Topics in Honors
  • us -102化学依赖的生理方面
  • us -114咨询,评估和案例管理
  • LGS-253 Business Law 1
  • LGS-254 Business Law 2
  • 垫- 135年的统计数据
  • MAT-191 Calculus and Analytic Geometry 1
  • MAT-192 Calculus and Analytic Geometry 2
  • MAT-201 Calculus and Analytic Geometry 3
  • MAT-202 Linear Algebra
  • MAT-212 Differential Equations
  • MAT-222数学基本概念
  • MDA-113 Medical Terminology
  • MLT-203 Clinical Chemistry
  • MLT-204 Clinical Immunology/Immunohematology
  • MLT-205 Clinical Hematology
  • MLT-206 Advanced Clinical Chemistry
  • PHL-194 Ethics and the Information Age
  • PHS-100 General Physical Science
  • PHS-109 General Oceanography
  • PHY-211 General Physics 1
  • PHY-212 General Physics 2
  • PSY-111 Introduction to Psychology
  • PSY-205 Child Psychology
  • PSY-211 Developmental Psychology
  • PSY-214 Abnormal Psychology
  • PSY-216 Human Sexuality
  • SOC-111 Introduction to Sociology
  • SOC-265 Social Research Methods
  • SPA-111 Elementary Spanish
  • SPA-112 Elementary Spanish 2
  • SPA-140 Elementary Spanish for Health Care 1
  • SPA-141 Elementary Spanish for Health Care 2
  • SPA-211 Intermediate Spanish 1
  • SPA-212 Intermediate Spanish 2
  • 中级西班牙语语法复习和写作


荣誉合同很早就到期了. 截止日期因学期而异,可以在荣誉@ AACC画布组中找到. 尽早联系你的教授是很重要的, no later than the first week of class, 讨论你对荣誉合同的兴趣. 一旦你提交了荣誉合同,你就不能切换回课程的标准部分. 

Examples of Honors Projects

我们鼓励你和你的教授一起开发一个你感兴趣的项目. 项目可以是海报、论文、演示文稿、艺术品、网页等等!


  • ART 125 – Drawings of Abuse
  • 工程学101 -人工智能与人类创造力研究论文
  • ENG 102 – Photo Essay – As I Lay Dying
  • PHY 212 – A Function Model of a Greenhouse
  • PSY211 -新兴学术期刊关于长期使用大麻对发育影响的文章
  • SOC 111 – Service Learning Project
  • SPA 111 -与母语人士对话

有关项目的信息,请联系荣誉协调员 honors@hebhgkq.com




Honors program coordinator

荣誉项目 Application

荣誉项目 Recommendation Form

Application deadlines:
8月. 15 for the fall term
11月. 15 for the spring term