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工商管理系为对商业领域感兴趣的学生提供一个学位和两个证书课程, bookkeeping or financial accounting. 选择的课程将为你转入四年制大学提供坚实的商业基础,或为你提供技术知识和证书,成为一名全职簿记员或注册会计师(CPA)。. 

由经验丰富的教师领导,拥有活跃的注册会计师执照和现实世界的商业头脑, our department ensures high-quality education. 参加课外活动,比如我们的年度未来财务活动, Accounting Night, 并参加志愿者所得税援助(VITA)计划,以丰富您的学习经验.


Business Administration (AS.BPA.ADM)

The Business Administration (Transfer) degree program (AS.BPA.ADM)专为有意转入传统四年制大学并攻读商学学士学位的学生而设计. 具体的学科可以包括但不限于会计, finance, management and international business. 

该课程的学生将完成他们的通识教育要求, six required business courses in accounting (BPA-201 and BPA-202), business management (BPA-111) and economics (ECO-211, ECO-212, and ECO-232), and several electives to earn their AS degree. 

CPA/Financial Accounting Certificate (CRT.BPA.FIN-ACCT)

The Certificate of Financial Accounting (CRT.BPA.FIN-ACCT是为已经拥有至少学士学位并希望获得学术资格参加统一注册会计师(CPA)考试的学生设计的. 成功完成本证书符合马里兰州会计委员会规定的所有课程要求. 注册会计师在包括税务在内的各个领域工作, auditing and forensics, 在专业领域,他们是最抢手、薪酬最高的.

Professional Bookkeeper Certificate (CRT.BPA.PROF-BKKP)

The Professional Bookkeeper Certificate (CRT.BPA.教授- bkkp)为学生提供在现代商业环境中成功成为簿记员所需的知识和技能, and eventually earn their certification through the AIPB or NACPB.



Faculty and Staff

所有工商管理教职员工的办公室都设在AACC阿诺德校区的就业中心大楼. Feel free to contact them.

Academic Chair

Robert "Reb" Beatty, CPA, CFE, CGMA, academic chair and associate professor
CRSC 339


Oksana Fisher, CPA, assistant professor
CRSC 321

James "Mike" Muscatello, CPA, assistant professor
CRSC 321

Office Staff

Robyn Hickey, office manager
CRSC 322


工商管理专业的学生可获得以下奖学金. For information visit the AACC Scholarships page.

Anne Arundel County Chamber of Commerce Scholarship

这项奖学金始于贸易理事会的筹款努力, a countywide business organization. This scholarship supports students interested in studying business.

Bank of America Scholarship


Gwen V. Atwell Memorial Scholarship

Established in memory of Gwen V. Atwell, 该奖学金为积极攻读商业和公共管理课程的合格学生提供帮助.

Kyle McKinley Pollero Scholarship

Established in honor of Kyle McKinley Pollero, 该奖学金为对商业表现出兴趣的合格学生提供帮助, computing and technical studies.

Martha L. Linksz Scholarship

Martha L. 1976年至2010年,Linksz在AACC教授商业和公共管理. 在此期间,她主持了晋升和终身教职委员会以及学术标准委员会. She believed in supporting career and vocational programs.

Ruth Grimes Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established in memory of Ruth Grimes, 她在安妮阿伦德尔县做了很多年的房地产经纪人, 在她的职业生涯中担任Anne Arundel County Board of REALTORS®的主席. This scholarship supports AACC students pursuing studies in business.

Ruthe Ingalls Dempsey Memorial Scholarship

Ruthe Marie (Ingalls) Dempsey was born and raised in East Machias, Maine, before enlisting in the United States Naval Reserve in 1945. Following her service, 她在马里兰州和华盛顿担任过一系列簿记工作, D.C. 这项奖学金是为了纪念她而设立的,旨在支持那些渴望在簿记或会计方面取得成功的学生.

Walter Sexton Scholarship

Established in memory of Walter Sexton, 这项奖学金为攻读商业和公共管理专业的学生提供帮助.

William and Doris Neall Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 1990 by Robert R. Neall, 他曾担任马里兰州参议员和代表以及安妮阿伦德尔县行政长官, in memory of his parents, William and Doris Neall. 专为全日制工商管理专业学生开设.

Resources for Students

我们努力为您提供实践经验,以提高您的学习水平, 提高你的大学生活,对你个人和职业都有好处.

Business/Accounting Lab

Visit the tutoring page to learn more about our in-person tutoring hours.

Accounting Night

Each fall the department invites students, staff, 教师和社区成员与行业专家就个人纳税申报表等主题进行交谈, personal budgeting, and student aid and student loans.

CPA Night

Each spring, students meet with professionals from public accounting firms, government, 私营企业和教育工作者探索各自领域的机会. 了解在这些领域工作是什么样的,甚至申请一份工作.

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance

与美国国税局和非营利组织马里兰现金合作提供, the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program provides free federal and state income tax assistance, preparation and filing to individuals who earn less than $57,000. VITA由一名全职教师管理,他负责审查AACC现任和前任学生志愿者准备的所有回报. 这项服务对学生和社区成员开放,通常每年为200多人提供服务. 在税务方面寻求帮助,或者通过帮助准备税务来获得丰富的工作经验.

Learn more about VITA.

Links to Accounting Organizations and Associations

Accounting with the Government


We're here to help.

School of Business and Law
Business Administration/Accounting

Robert "Reb" Beatty, CPA, CFE, CGMA, chair


Send Email

Stacy Korbelak
Assistant Dean

Digital Badge Award for Business.


Starting Anew

Raffaella Picariello


我很自豪我能够追随我上大学的梦想. I would love to open many businesses around the world, and I am working a step at a time to get there. 我想回馈我刚到AACC时得到的每一寸, all the help and all the welcome that I got here.

-Raffaella Picariello, Business Administration student

Read more of Raffaella's story